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What was in Helaya ... !!!

Sinhalese who speak with dignity are the heirs to a written history of 2500 years. Though Mahavansa challenged the Mahavamsa on the basis of multiethnic teaching, it is a blessing more than a legend. We know, of course, that we are not the best proof for Hela Basa and for culture. This is a series of examples that test our ravages to the ravages of the nation and the blatant acts as well as to illustrate even a pseudo-historical say in history. According to the program, according to the influence of the Gentiles, the first capital was abandoned and the Sinhalese turned to the south and eventually camped in the hills and from the beginning the era of the Kandyan period began. In 1739, Nawaveakow Weeraparakrama Narendrasing deceived the Indians and enslaved the king to her brother-in-law. Keerthi Sri Rajasinghe, Rajadhi Ruijasinghe and Sriwakrema Rajasingha, who reigned from the curtain, are Indigenous Indians. The dynasty of this city is blessed with this stupid wretch, which finally enters the English trap and betrays the country.

Their second behavior can be clearly grasped that the West was delighted to see our miraculous, arrogant social surroundings, grasping the miraculous creations of our ancestors by tapping our hypocritical Sinhalese. There is no objection to this country that it was possible to understand that the culture and the impeachment valuables that were at the center of the Hela Dhamma in our Helabima are a challenge to them.
We had a righteous social culture that respected the breadwinner. My dear grandfather, my brother-in-law, brother-in-law, brother-in-law, the sister and grandfather were to be crowned. On the day that another child was born to the Sinhalese, everyone in the village wandered and cheered, waiting for the moment to wait. In a troubling distress they spread all sorrow. When someone was mistaken for an error, a teacher had to have a chance for his elder brother, his elder brother, to have his parents, and was a social responsibility. What's the situation today? The teacher can not give a lecture. The school grounds were confined to discipline. Big App can not make a mistake on his brother's boyfriend, because everything is why you need the opposite answer? What can I do with you? What if I'm not in any way what if I do not do anything to anyone? Because Western liberal words are clogging with useless words. Even a small babe that is born today is born with these purplish liberal styles. The Sinhalese who love the country that loves the country are like the western commanders of the country, so much so that we are so ignorant of the hunk of the neighborhood that our neighbors do not know yet.
What a great journey shows the good journey that has taken place in the four castes like Yaksha, Naga, Raksha and Asura? The Zaki Mahavamsa has plenty of experience in the development of the medication. If there had been some inconvenience in his area, the teacher had the power to know the flank. When the patient arrived, the patient had to fulfill his needs. We welcomed the western doctors' doctrine, which was destroyed by the destruction of the medicine and abandoned our way of thinking and is today indifferent.

During the day, our engineering faculties are excellent examples of the Sigiriya, Ruwanweli Maha Seya, Maduru Oya and Rabaken Oya. The western layers of the Ruwanweli Maha Seya is now considered to be the standard of the standard rectangular system, and there is plenty of evidence for this. The Indian book also testifies that India's large irrigation and secured cities were created by our Heel Engineers. They all should have been acknowledged because they were not created without the knowledge of English 26 and the creation of a Western-style Black Pattern today.
The Suda did not hesitate to destroy the country's self-sufficient economy. They pay homage to the peasant folks at the Great Wellassa by removing the people in an arable land. They started to teach new farming to the farmer community in our country, destroying the last method. The methods and equipment we used were referred to as "undeveloped" methods and were called "simple methods". The inmates saw the significance of the coveted cultivation, saying that the growing tomato sauce in the cherries was also a weed. We had to implement it without any response.

Lubricant oil
From the point of departure from the diplomatic stance, the Western-liberal line-of-sight has become so abundant. Our ancestors were very proud of us when we realized that they were in a bad mood. Today, it is not clear to me that this is a miracle. Alternative methods made it possible to achieve the goal by destroying the culture of our inheritance. As a result, we hired hunters hunting, loaded up various tax returns, and implemented hypocritical strategy programs.
In collaboration with the three Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim communities, the Perahera, the Perahera and the Vesak Festival were ceremoniously organized. As soon as the nations have united, they will be able to swallow these three nations as soon as they know that they can not exploit the country. The devastation of the rampage in the eyes of the spectators has made us the hatred of the nations to achieve their ends.
This time it is time to rebuild and develop the country without resorting to secularism, without being united with India.

Harishandra Bandara


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අප ගෞරවයෙන් කතාකරන සිංහලයෝ අවුරුදු 2500 නට ඵහාගිය ලිඛිත ඉතිහාසයකට උරුමකරුවෝ වෙති. බහුවාර්ගික නිවට පුහු මතවාද මතදී මහාවංස පුරාවතට අභියෝග කළද ඵය හුදෙක් ජනප්‍රවාදයකට වඩා සාදක සහිත වු මහත් ආශිර්වාදයකි. ඵහෙත් ඵය අප හෙළ බස සහ සංස්කෘතිය සදහා වන සුදුසුම සාක්ෂිය නොවන බව අප දනිමු. මෙය අප ජාතිය විනාශ මුඛයට ඇදදැමු අඥඥාන ක්‍රියා මෙන්ම අපට සිතාගැනීමට පවා අසිරු වීර ප්‍රවුඩ ඉතිහාසයකට සාක්ෂි දෙන නිදර්ශන රාශියකි. ඵයට අනුව විජාතිකයන්ගේ බලපෑම මත ප්‍රථම අගනගරය අතහැර සිංහලයා දකුණට සංක්‍රමණයවී අවසානයේ කදුකරයේ කදවුරු බැදගත් අතර ඵතැන් පටන් නුවර යුගය ඇරඹිණ. නිවටයේක්වු වීරපරාක්‍රම නරේන්ද්‍රසිංහ 1739 දී පජාත ඉන්දියානු වෙසගනට රැවටී ඇගේ නිගණ්ඨ දහම අදහන සහෝදරයාට රජකම පූජා කරයි. ඵතැන් පටන් රජකරවන කීර්ති ශ්‍රී රාජසිංහල රාජාධි රුජසිංහ සහ ශ්‍රීවික්‍රම රාජසිංහ යන්නවුන් පජාත ඉන්දියානුවන්ය. ඵසුව නුවරින් පැවැතආ රජ පෙළපත මේ මෝඩ රැළ අවසානයේ ඉංග්‍රිසි උගුලට අසුවී රට පාවා දෙති. බටහිරයන් සූක්ෂමව අපගේ කුහක සිංහලයන් බාගනිමින් අපගේ තිබූ ගුණගරුක සදාචාර සම්පන්න ආචාරශිලී සැදැහැවත් සමාජ වටපිටාව අවබෝධ කරගත්හග නිවට...