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Dot for the Drugs................

Mata Thitha ... ..?

When we hissed, it became Sri Lanka purely on the petty sublime (the Whole India). Let us also apologize if they expect flourish today. This is because today the inexperienced Sinhalese who have awaited the increase of the people who wandered into the trap of the Sinhala Buddhist culture by destroying the Hela culture are destroyed.
The circular act from India in 1835, Thomas Mackillon Babilly, is a large violation of human rights, according to the current law (according to the execution method). But we regard such actions as acts of weak Tuppy. That is, we have no word in the Hela to sweep the culture of people of other nations or religions, to wipe out the wisdom or the language or to sweep the behavior or, instead, to implement our methods. This means that we have not done such acts since Hela, and it is a noble nation that does not approve of such actions.
Only after the law enforcement and the politicization of the law can not we destroy the horde, even if the rules of the law are enforced, they do not exist. It used various alternatives, and ultimately succeeded in introducing fire and cigarette (containing 64 carcinogens). They place these places in every possible place and offer free Helsinki. The drunkenness itself has been brought to a public corporation today. In short, he has succeeded, or he has succeeded.

This situation made it difficult for us to go to a shop and go to tea. In a bus, a rush went up and down. Everywhere, drunkards are paradise. At that time, two or three kilometers from a bus ride, we had to make 7 to 8 cigarettes. As a social policy, we were not able to oppose it altogether and the entire anti-drug community. Even when thousands of women, young children and even pious people were embarrassed at that time, these drunkards behaved in ways that plague the whole society and bring us to the poor. Among these anti-drug rhetoric groups began to function as various unions based parties. The lack of state patronage, the failure to observe police law and the lack of a realistic aim, were futile. Some temperance businessists were lecturing in school dows early in the afternoon and in the middle of the afternoon, barking to bars and restaurants. There was plenty of cowardly Christian extreme organizations that fed up with family worship and begged their family to be drunk.
As time passes, Mahinda Rajapaksa is reigning with another national party at this anonymised time period. The Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU) is coming to the foreground as a pre-emptive opinion. It was brought into line with the new rules and adopted a concession to the entire national heart to eliminate the capital. For this purpose, Mahinda Rajapakse, the six-quarters of the ignorant youth of the country, have been entrusted with the veneration of the entire society, because drinks were at the very top of the society.
When Mathata Thitha was active at the same time, the bar Kabhi Jodhidi was trampled on bar restaurants. It was time for those who worked in these institutions to continue their job without bothering. A cigarette smoked in a bus. Children who were younger and old fell in love, and the social environment for their work was restored. We were incapable of drinking a cigarette and burning geranium, and we stopped at girls. It was not uncommon for a girl who could not go to a girl and not a pare.
New laws were able to impose a fine not less than Rs. 5000.00 on a cigarette in a public place where the law was being implemented.
But today the situation is different. There is now a tragic event in this brutal and social reality. For now, there is no place for anyone to drink cigarettes. A bus conductor from the door of the bus is lighting a cigar a few minutes after leaving the bus. They do not even take a ticket to go in with a ticket. They are in a hurry to get their youthful entertainment in check, getting rid of all the passengers traveling in the bus with their ridiculous, humorous videos. The co-driver sometimes fumes a smoke from the boot, generating passengers in the bus for some legitimate reasons for the passengers. This situation is more visible in the long distance buses and there are talk of the night buses. A lot of drunks. Under the back seats of the bus there are number of beer bottles. They started to chew their arrack beans. At first they started to kill themselves for a cigarette but got up to death, but when they got up to their feet, they began to forget about the places of their homestion and began to smoke from their hinges, singing with their broken ears to tune in to corrosive songs.
It is because of the inconvenience of Nimthara and people are not going to pay their vote. Similarly, if someone in that bus was a person of the same ethnicity (loving the Sinhala Buddhist country), they also went silent because of the insufficiency of the problem and with the prevailing situation in the country.
When is this the police who protect the law of the country follow a silent policy for whom? When there is no law in the country, the Jathika Hela Urumaya passed the law in an instantaneous stand when the majority of silent protest and other (preventive measures) acted. However, the party can not enforce the law. The responsibility lies with the police who have legal authority. It is a secret known to the public that they ignore their responsibility. In the name of the JHU, the police can not defend the laws today.
When we consider all these facts, we can understand that it is not just good for a country to have the correct laws. It is for this purpose that we keep upright that we need to have the right leadership to do our deeds.

Harishandra Bandara


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අප ගෞරවයෙන් කතාකරන සිංහලයෝ අවුරුදු 2500 නට ඵහාගිය ලිඛිත ඉතිහාසයකට උරුමකරුවෝ වෙති. බහුවාර්ගික නිවට පුහු මතවාද මතදී මහාවංස පුරාවතට අභියෝග කළද ඵය හුදෙක් ජනප්‍රවාදයකට වඩා සාදක සහිත වු මහත් ආශිර්වාදයකි. ඵහෙත් ඵය අප හෙළ බස සහ සංස්කෘතිය සදහා වන සුදුසුම සාක්ෂිය නොවන බව අප දනිමු. මෙය අප ජාතිය විනාශ මුඛයට ඇදදැමු අඥඥාන ක්‍රියා මෙන්ම අපට සිතාගැනීමට පවා අසිරු වීර ප්‍රවුඩ ඉතිහාසයකට සාක්ෂි දෙන නිදර්ශන රාශියකි. ඵයට අනුව විජාතිකයන්ගේ බලපෑම මත ප්‍රථම අගනගරය අතහැර සිංහලයා දකුණට සංක්‍රමණයවී අවසානයේ කදුකරයේ කදවුරු බැදගත් අතර ඵතැන් පටන් නුවර යුගය ඇරඹිණ. නිවටයේක්වු වීරපරාක්‍රම නරේන්ද්‍රසිංහ 1739 දී පජාත ඉන්දියානු වෙසගනට රැවටී ඇගේ නිගණ්ඨ දහම අදහන සහෝදරයාට රජකම පූජා කරයි. ඵතැන් පටන් රජකරවන කීර්ති ශ්‍රී රාජසිංහල රාජාධි රුජසිංහ සහ ශ්‍රීවික්‍රම රාජසිංහ යන්නවුන් පජාත ඉන්දියානුවන්ය. ඵසුව නුවරින් පැවැතආ රජ පෙළපත මේ මෝඩ රැළ අවසානයේ ඉංග්‍රිසි උගුලට අසුවී රට පාවා දෙති. බටහිරයන් සූක්ෂමව අපගේ කුහක සිංහලයන් බාගනිමින් අපගේ තිබූ ගුණගරුක සදාචාර සම්පන්න ආචාරශිලී සැදැහැවත් සමාජ වටපිටාව අවබෝධ කරගත්හග නිවට...