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Islamic extremism - in a context of the sri lanka

In the previous article, an inquiry was conducted regarding the harassing character of the Muslim community in Sri Lanka, whether it was an analysis or an initial conflict, and the risk of a structural shift. In the end, especially as it emerges, there is a greater possibility of the emergence of a national or religious extremism as the ideology of a conflict that leads to such an uproar. The most striking example of this is the LTTE. Tudor nationalism used by the organization. Now, with the prevailing situation, the fear that exists between the Muslims and the people of the Muslims will be shifted to Islamic extremism.

Except for Sinhalese extremists, all of them are moderately aware that by now, there is no Islamic extremism within Sri Lanka. Though it maintains strong faith in its religious usage, it is not possible to see such extreme violence in society and in the transaction. But Muslims in Islam or in the international arena are extremely organized and complex. It is said that this is second only to the West and China-led capitalist trading mechanism, but it will not be wrong. Even before the fall of the Berlin Wall before the fall of the Berlin Wall, leftist forces are opposed to Western liberalization, but Islamist extremism is today the main enemy of Western liberalization.

Ethnic Islamic extremism

It is called nationality, that is, the spread of certain states, the boundaries that transcend. The expansion of capital by large-scale companies calls for the passage of a definite boundary, as transitional or multinationals. The activities of Islamic extremism have come to the present as well. In particular, when developing al-Qaeda in Islamist extremism, it is working to extend support to local extremist groups and extremist organizations, to provide military training and to interconnect one another. According to Professor Rohan Gunaratne, author of The Inside Al-Queda, the most successful study on al-Qaeda, there is a possibility that the Islamic extremist organizations in the Middle East region can resort to the Southeast Asian region due to the Western military action against terrorism.

Even if Sri Lanka has some kind of cover as an island, if there is a good soil in Sri Lanka, there will not be any lack of ability to make Sri Lanka a headquarters of Islamic extremism. The best example is the idea that technology, military suppression, and security can be suppressed by an overthrow of terrorists, which was recently exploded by the Boston bomb.

What are the reasons for the expansion of Islamism?

Any kind of extremism is acquired by any vacuum in society. Islamic extremism accuses religion of being motivated, it can be seen as a terrorist activity, and there are a number of common situations that can be measured in common with other terrorist activities. There are various sociological and psychological issues that are responsible for this.

Islamic and Western conflict

According to Robert Pape, on the suicide bombers, the aim of these terrorists is to expel foreign troops from their motherland. Accordingly, Islamic extremism can now be seen as strongly as the countries of Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine and Libya. Demonstrating the so-called will of democracy, the invasions launched by oil and other, physical resources and geopolitical interests have spurred Islamic extremism and its violence increased. The notorious "War on Terror" can be seen throughout the period of the September 11 attacks something.

According to the word "ghid" in Islam, the word "struggle" is against the enemies of Islam. Defected by Al Qaeda. Al-Qaida is fighting for the world under Sharia law. Explaining the reason why they are fighting against the US in 2002, Osawa bin Laden has outlined a number of issues against the anti-theatrical culture of the West. Thus, he defines Western liberalism as a wholly-contradictory Sharia law, portraying the world as a devil's way toward the devil's way, freedom, gay rights and sexual freedom. An unconditional opposition to Western liberalism in the dire consequences of extreme consumption, one can see moral hostility.

How to define the main point of these religious definitions. The word "jihad" is taken as the internal and external struggle, the internal struggle within mankind, the external struggle, the enemies of Islam and the struggle. Below is a small section of Bin Laden's article that shows more than a brand name as a terrorist.

"It's only you and the Whites that claim to be the Free and the Peaceful that you give to the other world," friends of the United States ", through your destructive, evil policies and governance.


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අප ගෞරවයෙන් කතාකරන සිංහලයෝ අවුරුදු 2500 නට ඵහාගිය ලිඛිත ඉතිහාසයකට උරුමකරුවෝ වෙති. බහුවාර්ගික නිවට පුහු මතවාද මතදී මහාවංස පුරාවතට අභියෝග කළද ඵය හුදෙක් ජනප්‍රවාදයකට වඩා සාදක සහිත වු මහත් ආශිර්වාදයකි. ඵහෙත් ඵය අප හෙළ බස සහ සංස්කෘතිය සදහා වන සුදුසුම සාක්ෂිය නොවන බව අප දනිමු. මෙය අප ජාතිය විනාශ මුඛයට ඇදදැමු අඥඥාන ක්‍රියා මෙන්ම අපට සිතාගැනීමට පවා අසිරු වීර ප්‍රවුඩ ඉතිහාසයකට සාක්ෂි දෙන නිදර්ශන රාශියකි. ඵයට අනුව විජාතිකයන්ගේ බලපෑම මත ප්‍රථම අගනගරය අතහැර සිංහලයා දකුණට සංක්‍රමණයවී අවසානයේ කදුකරයේ කදවුරු බැදගත් අතර ඵතැන් පටන් නුවර යුගය ඇරඹිණ. නිවටයේක්වු වීරපරාක්‍රම නරේන්ද්‍රසිංහ 1739 දී පජාත ඉන්දියානු වෙසගනට රැවටී ඇගේ නිගණ්ඨ දහම අදහන සහෝදරයාට රජකම පූජා කරයි. ඵතැන් පටන් රජකරවන කීර්ති ශ්‍රී රාජසිංහල රාජාධි රුජසිංහ සහ ශ්‍රීවික්‍රම රාජසිංහ යන්නවුන් පජාත ඉන්දියානුවන්ය. ඵසුව නුවරින් පැවැතආ රජ පෙළපත මේ මෝඩ රැළ අවසානයේ ඉංග්‍රිසි උගුලට අසුවී රට පාවා දෙති. බටහිරයන් සූක්ෂමව අපගේ කුහක සිංහලයන් බාගනිමින් අපගේ තිබූ ගුණගරුක සදාචාර සම්පන්න ආචාරශිලී සැදැහැවත් සමාජ වටපිටාව අවබෝධ කරගත්හග නිවට...